upcoming shows:

Past Shows:

January 16, 2024
Mardi Spaghetti présente :
Lisa Cay Miller / Adrianne Munden-Dixon / Raphael Foisy
Lisa Cay Miller :: piano
Adrianne Munden-Dixon :: violon
Raphael Foisy :: guitare
Sarah Albu :: voix
Belinda Campbell :: piano, voix, électroniques
Marilou Craft :: voix
Eric Craven :: batterie
Ivan Bamford / Pablo Jimenez / Colin Fisher / Zach Frampton
Ivan Bamford :: batterie
Pablo Jimenez :: contrebasse
Colin Fisher :: guitare, saxophone
Zach Frampton :: piano

December 19, 2023

Mardi Spaghetti présente ::
Pièces Détachées 2023
Pièces Détachées est une tradition des dernières années au Mardi Spaghetti qui consiste en l’assemblage hétéroclite de plusieurs artistes en divers combos, inspirée entre autre par les événements “Company” de Derek Bailey.
Avec ::
Sarah Albu :: voix
Thalia Stacey :: voix
Élise Paradis :: violon
Raphael Foisy :: guitare
Johann Schlagger :: drums
Stefan Christoff :: piano
Christelle Saint-Julien :: harpe
Olivier Prud’homme :: guitare
Colin Fisher :: saxophone
Pablo Jimenez :: contrebasse
Andrea Mercier :: basse, saxophone
Julie Richard :: tuba
Eric Lewis :: trompette, euphonium
Su :: voix
Eric Craven :: batterie
Mili Hong :: batterie
et plus…

Ton-e Rêve + Egyptian Cotton Arkestra
Mardi, le 12 décembre
La Sotterenea

IMOO #221 Dans Les Arbres with AC/CC and tunu

December 2023

1/4 Tonne Overhaul

IMOO Festival

Performing at Spark Beer, Sunday October 15th 2023 9:00pm

July 18, 2023

Mardi Spaghetti présente ::
Tahlia Stacey :: voix
Mark Haynes :: basse
Zach Frampton :: keys
Kyle Hutchins :: drums
Talia Fuchs :: voix
Alex Pelchat :: guitare
Eric Craven :: drums
James Goddard :: saxophone

21 juin 2023
Belinda Campbell / Eric Craven — house band


MONTRÉAL (under water). – Hilarious, in excellent physical and moral shape, the poets of L’Oie de Cravan and the Tantôt magazine will open their oceanographic mouths to the passage of a clamour: Will we ever leave the sphere?

– Since this question means nothing, we promise to answer it by furnishing the silence with our voices transformed by pressure and helium. As for the rest, wonderful. We will read, drink, and sleep perfectly.

With Daphné B, Orane Thibaud, Juliette Langevin, Maxime Catellier, Shawn Cotton, névé dumas, Princesse Lamarche, Jonas Fortier, Benoît Chaput, Ludovic Alarie and guests.

SUONI PER IL POPOLO 2023 presents : AC CC + Lune très belle
Lundi le 12 juin

April 17, 2023 Monday  Bleu (lundi sans blues

Xavier Gould (Chiquita Mère)
AC/CC (Sarah Albu, Belinda Campbell, Marilou Craft, Eric Craven)
Skin Tone

La Sotterenea

March 28, 2023 CD Release show for 1/4 Tonne Overhaul – “Plays Songs from the Cipher” – with Kee Avil, and Moose Terrific

January 31, 2023 ¬TON-E RÊVE¬ et ¬SHORTEST LONGEST DAY¬

Eric Lewis :: brass
Eric Craven :: drums, percussions
Geneviève Gauthier :: saxophone
Peter Burton :: bass
[Performance de 10e anniversaire]
Stéphane Diamantakiou :: basse
Ivan Bamford :: batterie, percussions
Alex Pelchat :: guitare
Paul Serralheiro :: trompette

December 24, 2022 Sotterenea

Mystery and Wonder – fête du départ

Annef Jacques, E Millar, PCP Trio (Pelchat, Pedersen, Craven), Mark Molnar, NPLO.

October 18, 2022

Mardi Spaghetti & Suoni Per Il Popolo présentent:
2 Sets de musique improvisée!

Isabelle Clermont: Harpe et électroniques/ Harp and electronics
Sarah Albu : Voix et effets, claviers / Voice and effects, keys
Gregory Kustska-Tsimbidis :: batterie / drums
Talia Fuchs :: voix / voice
Nicolas Gaudreault :: guitare/clavier // gtr & keys
Belinda Campbell: Piano et électroniques/Piano and electronics
Marilou Craft: Voix et mots / Voice and words
Eric Craven: Batterie/Drums
Sarah Albu :: voix, electronics, claviers / voice, electronics, keys

Cuchabata Records present: 60×44

le 19 juin 2022 17h30 Entrepôt 77

Dimanche 22 mai  2022

Vendredi 13 Mai, 2022 – Sotterenea
Une soirée de musique ambiance, free jazz, expérimentale à la Sotterenea (sous-sol de la Sala Rossa, au 4848 St-Laurent)
+ Houses of Worship:
(thisquietarmy x Hellenica)
+ 1/4 Tonne Nid-de-Poule:
(Eric Craven / Nick Kuepfer / Mark Molnar):
+ Collaborations entre les membres des deux groupes en duo/trio et ensemble (+ 3 sets)
+ Les Yeux de Monkey:
invités secrets en première partie!

Dec 14 2021 Sala Rossa :: TON RÊVE :: et :: HUANG/SWAN/LAKE ::

:: TON RÊVE ::
Eric Craven – drums, Peter Burton – bass, Eric Lewis – brass Julie Richard -sousaphone, Geneviève Gauthier –  sax, Émilie Fortin -trumpet
:: HUANG/SWAN/LAKE :: Lucas Huang – guitar, Ari Swan – violin, Markus Lake – bass

canceled shows due to Covid-19 (Ton Rêves March 29, 2020 at Casa for example)

Feb. 4 , 2020 – Mardi Spaghetti présente : Kuroki / Radford / Campbell and Ton Rêves

Maya Kuroki :: voix, Deanna Radford :: voix, Belinda Campbell :: piano, clavier, micro contact
Ton Rêves Eric Lewis :: trompette, cornet, euphonium Peter Burton :: contrebasse Émilie Fortin :: trompette Julie Richard :: tuba Geneviève Gauthier :: saxophone alto Eric Craven :: batterie


Contributed a sound piece to this art show curated by Maria Hinze 7 March 2020 / 7 pm Exhibition hours: 8-9 March 2020, 12:00 am – 07:00 pm

Meinblau Projektraum
Christinenstrasse 18-19, 10119 Berlin

ton reve

(photo Patrick McMaster)

Tues, Feb 4 2020 (as part of Mardi Spaghetti) Tone Dreams/Ton Rêves,  (Eric Lewis, Eric Craven, Peter Burton, Julie Richard, Geneviève Gauthier and Émilie Fortin). Double bill with  Maya Kuroki / Belinda Campbell / Deanna Radford.

cuch fest

December 7, 2019 BLD at La Vitrola  JOUR 2 Cuch Fest XIV


November 16, Guiom + BLD au Zénob! in Trois-Rivières,


November 24, PCP Trio at Bar Le Ritz PDB @ MW Présente TOO MANY NAMES to LIST weird extravaganza

Sunday September 8th at Gigspace in Ottawa (IMOOfest 2019)

7:00pm PCP Trio
8:00pm Jason Sharp
9:00pm IMOO Orchestra featuring Ingrid Laubrock & Tom Rainey

air surface

June 16, 2019, Air / surface graphic score performance by L’Ensemble Habitant @ Plant

video —

May 1, 2019 ¬ Yoshimoto Yumiko ¬ Elizabeth Millar ¬ PCP ¬ Anne-F. Jacques @ Sotteranea

bruit common

March 28, 2019 Bruit Commun #1 à la Sala Rossa


January 10, 2019 Some Became Hollow Tubes x BLD x Black Givre — and PANGEA

pangea screen shot

(video PANGEA feat. Some Became Hollow Tubes, BLD & Black Givre aka many people from many veteran Montreal bands (January 10th, 2019). Filmed by Roxane De Koninck, edited/mixed by Eric Quach.)

show oct 17

October 17, 2018  @La Vitrola – Mick Barr & Pascal Landry’s Insect-ions, 1/4 TONNE and Ruby

bld bar ritz

September 23, 2018 @ Bar Le Ritz PDB,  BLD, Esther Bourdages, Anne-F Jacques/Craig Pedersen


August 12, 2018 @ Brasserie Beaubien Sandy Ewen [NYC] ¬ Moose Terrific ¬ GAMELAN COCKROACHES NOISES ¬ Cloutier|Sasseville

1st show! Craig Pedersen [(devil) horns], Eric Craven [drums+electronics], Maya Kuroki [voice+fx] & Alex Guy Pelchat [guitare+fx+mics]. Comme un micro-onde prog. Membres de Sound of the Mountain, Tamayugé, Teke Teke, Hangedup, 1/4 Tonne et En Fer.)


Tuesday, August 7, 2018 @ Barfly FOURTHOUSANDBLACKBIRDS & DROPHEAD

June 13, 2018 @ Casa del Popolo – Mardi Spaghetti Tenth Anniversary Marathon – Mark Molnar + Eric Craven + Veronique Janosy + Nathalie Gélinas


May 31, 2018 @ La Sotteranea Craven & Newman · evoked response & Gambletron · Meunier & Janosy


Saturday May 26, 2018 @ Geist BLD/Goth Girl/Grandvent/090916/CLC

May 2, 2018 @ Brasserie Beaubien Love Children // Sound of Mountain & Kuepfer, Craven // Kee Avil

April 10, 2018 @ Barfly Eardrum Buzz vol.15 w/ BLD


March 15 @ Sala Rosa Kee Avil (EP Release) · Secret Boyfriend · 1/4 Tonne <blink> · Nag


Dec 9, 2017 CUCH FEST XII @ Studios de Rouen  — BLD / Eric Craven w/ Kee Avil,  Id M Theft Able, Ce qui nous traverse, Cindy Terrific (Tamara Filyavich, Alexandre St-Onge et Sam Shalabi), Ninja Simone, Leftovers Diable / Wapstan, Cuchabata Free Improv Unit (Yannick Chayer, Dominic Caterina, Christian St-Pierre, Guillaume Cloutier, François Couture et David Dugas Dion) and Hazy Montagne Mystique Ensemble II


August 24, 2017 @ Sala Rosa ¬ The American Devices ¬ CRABE ¬ Bleu Nuit ¬ Jugulaar Methoht ¬

spca benefit poster

August 11, 2017 @ Sala Rosa Soirée d’expérimentations audiovisuelles bénéfice pour la SPCA
Collaborations audiovisuelles :
– 1/4 tonne escalation cavil (Eric Craven, Nick Kuepfer, Mark Molnar) & Black Light District | Justine Durand
– evoked response & Alexandre St-Onge | Charline Dally
– Chacun Cherche Son Chat (Hazy Montagne Mystique & Me Float) & Sarah Seené | Guillaume Vallée
– Fait Divers (Justin Cober de yoo doo right) | Philippe Léonard

June 3, 2017  1/4 tonne @ Ratio, Toronto, ON w/Processor and Craig Dunsmuir

review of show  and recordings

June 2. 2017 1/4 Tonne Pigpen Cipher // Saskia Crescentia // TIC @ The SpillPeterborough, ON

May 24, 2017 w/ Elizabeth Millar, Craig Pedersen, and Nick Kuepfer, w/ Black Light District, Skint0ne  @ Bar Pub St Denis


Thursday, May 11 Alpha UMi Series Vicky Mettler, Platitudes, Jugular Methot @ North Star Machines à Piastres


April 28, 2017– 1/4 tonne, Paralix, Burning Bummer  @ La Vitrola (Benefit for Get to the Pointe)

April 1,  2017 — Miller/Toninato/Foisy/Mettler & Aaron Lumley & Groven/Craven @ Casa Obscura

March 29, 2017 — Jugular Methot (Marielle Groven, Alex Pelchat and Eric Craven) will perform a set during of an evening of song in celebration of Leonard Cohen, for the benefit of music programs at dans la rue as part of the worldwide events marking piano day. socalled, katie moore, marianne trudel, charlotte cumberbirch, gregory burton, pascale bussières, jugular methot, li’l andy, dina cindric, krista muir, moe clark, fabienne lucet, erik west-milette
& more)


Friday, February 10, 2017 at  9 PM @ La Plante – 1/4 Tonne, Moose Terrific, Sound of the Mountain and DJ Skintone

Monday, January 16, 2017 at 8 PM  @Casa del Popolo – Camille Emaille (FR)-PedersenPelchatCraven-Black Light District


Thursday, January 5, 2017 @ Casa del Popolo –   Benefit Concert: Solidarity with Refugees



Tuesday, December 20, 2016 – ¬ Shalabi Effect ¬ Susan Alcorn [Baltimore, MD] ¬ Jugular Methot

Jugular Methot soundcheck (shot by Sy) #drophead514

A video posted by Eric Craven (@ericmtl) on


Thursday, November 24, 2016  Soirée musique expérimentale à CLARK !


Thursday, November 3, 2016  ¬ Jason Sharp & Kaie Kellough ¬ Alcrete ¬ Rippleganger ¬ C/G/P


Saturday, October 22, 2016  Journée du film de famille / Home Movie Day / Montréal 2016


Friday, September 9, 2016 –Concert pour La Passe : 1/4tonne ¬ HeArt Ensemble ¬ Derome/Groven/Pelchat ¬ BCH+C ¬ Saturniid ¬ C. Solaire ¬ Filyavich/Eizlini ¬S. Christoff @ Sala Rosa

Sunday, August 28, 2016 Arrington de Dionyso + Craven \ Molnar duo
@ La Passe


Friday, July 1, 2016 –  Soirée d’expérimentations audiovisuelles : 1/4 Tonne Kabelgewirr & Elizabeth Anka Vajagic & evoked response vs. MNO & Black Givre
@ Sala Rosa


Wednesday, May 18 2016 – Lanterner / 1/4 Tonne Desynchronosis / JS Truchy & Philippe Vandal  Wednesday, May 18 2016 @Casa del Popolo

Friday March 18 2016 – Sound of the Mountain : Mouchous/Jacques/Lefebvre : Molnar/Craven : Slow Collapse @ Bar Beaubien


Wednesday February 10, 2016 – Millar/Campbell & Mouchous/Schidlowsky/St-Onge & Pedersen/Pelchat/Craven  @ Barpub St. Denis

Koi ki

Thursday, August 6, 2015 – 1/4 tonne redux (nick and eric)
KOI KI : Exposition Photographique de Frédéric Chais @
Centro Cultural Simón Bolívar

Festival Ibrida pluri

Friday, July 17 2015 – fourthousandblackbirds & Drophead
Festival Ibrida pluri* – 1ère édition – présenté par groop*index
@Espace Notre-Dame in Montreal, Quebec

14 tonne moonraker july 9 casa

Thursday, July 9 2015 @
Casa del Popolo
SUN RIAH (Oklahoma City)
Montreal, Quebec

casa wind flag

suoni per il popolo 2015
1/4 Tonne Tardigrade + Khora + Not the Wind, Not the Flag + DJ Barbapoppa
Wednesday, June 10 2015
Montreal, Quebec

tonne tart june 9 black sheep

BIG BRAVE, MAICA MIA, AND 1/4 TONNE TARDIGRADE – Live at the Black Sheep Inn, Wakefield, QC – TUESDAY, JUNE 9th, 2015

f-off Sonya Stefan photo

(photo Sonya Stefan)
F-OFF 2ième édition
Friday, May 29 2015
Montreal, Quebec

Reverse Panorama April 1st o patro Vys vernissage

Reverse Panorama
Wednesday, April 1 2015
@ O Patro Vys
Montreal, Quebec

big brave poster shot

Sept. 6. 2014 : Big Brave “Feral Verdure” Album Launch w/ very special guests 1/4 Tonne Embouteillage

August 14, 2014 : 1/4 Tonne Overhaul | Steve Bates | Just’au Crâne | Maggot Breeder | Eric Boivin + fourthousandblackbirds + Dominic F Marceau | DJ Kali @ casa del popolo — Montreal


June 29, 2014 : H. de HEUTZ :: Lathe :: Eric Craven & Mark Molnar @ casa del popolo — Montreal


June 25, 2014 : aMute (BE) et 1/4 tonne @ casa del popolo — Montreal


June 20, 2014 : aMute (BE) 1/4 tonne, and Air Cushion Finish (GER) @ Avant-Garde Bar — Ottawa On


May 23, 2014 : Dead Rider & 1/4 Tonne – FEUX DE FORÊT DANS LE DÉSERT no.38 @ Cafe Bar Zenob Inc — Trois-Rivières, Qc


March 28, 2014 : 1/4 Tonne Spike Pitcher / Old Haunt / Lungbutter @ La Plante, Montreal


Feb. 17, 2014 : 1/4 Tonne Over Haul – Live on Symbiose | CIBL 101,5

black hole

Jan. 24, 2014 : 1/4 Tonne Capacity Blunder (opening for  Red MASS + Taylor Hoodlum Stevenson)@ the black hole, Montreal

Nov. 13 20131/4 tonne bottleneck @ sala rossa for howl

Sept. 29, 20131/4 tonne puppet truck @ Kids POP Montreal (live music for kids shadow puppet show)


July 15, 2013 :
• 1/4 tonne over-haul
• Nouveau Zodiaque
• Silent Land Time Machine
• DJ’s K7K8 and AH! AH! —- @ la brique, Montreal


Nick Kuepfer drummer, Suoni Per Il Popolo festival 2013

June 6 2013 – Nick Kuepfer and Eric Craven  (opening for lee ranaldo)
@ Sala rossa in Montreal